Saturday, July 10, 2010

My intention.

Sometimes I have a sense that I am driving in a fast lane and it is getting in the way of me living a fully sensual and ecstatic life.

What is my intention?

Lately, I've been imagining being at home more and waking up with plenty of time for practice and self-care. Life without too many appointments and more time spent in a back yard on a hammock or in a comfortable chair- reading, studying, playing my flute, having an inspiring conversation, being with family, and letting my body just be at ease. I see nature walks more and running and a collective garden. I imagine drinking tea often and living an ecstatic life full of play, dance, and worship. I feel good in my body, my mind, and my heart. I see myself choosing more powerfully and I imagine work to be even more in line with my true purpose in being and service to LOVE.

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