Saturday, October 23, 2010

Practice makes perfect, "i'mperfect" that is.


My practice has been looking different since starting Kundalini Yoga teacher training. I have been getting up at 6 a.m. most mornings. I have been taking cold showers since Monday. I have done nahbia kriya every morning since Friday. I meditate for a least 11 minutes a day.

I acknowledge the strides I have been taking.
I am proud of the power to commit, to notice my tendencies more and to break them through practice.
I forgive myself and I feel proud to listen.
I notice myself being grounded. I feel more rooted in the earth when I walk and I feel the difference in my energy,
I am super calm.
I am generally very happy and purposeful.
When I have doubts and insecurities I realize it is just a way of "being" that is not who I am.
I notice fears more quickly. I contemplate, I do my best. I recommit.
I love myself a great deal and so I take little personally.

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