Friday, October 7, 2011


The source of love does not reside outside. We often think we need to lie because we believe that it does. We feel ashamed of things we do, that lying becomes the habitual form of holding back. We say, we need to lie and that if we didn’t, we’d hurt “others” feelings but the truth is, we feel we need to lie because the shame and guilt we feel. A lot of us were conditioned to believe that if we didn’t lie, it would be too hard and burdensome to face the shame and guilt. At the root is a fear of judgement that if we were judged, we’d in turn have to face judgement on ourselves and that would make it more difficult to love ourselves. So we hold back, thinking we need to lie, only to face the consequence of guilt we have for lying and more lying and hiding to cover up.

If we knew that we were the source of love and that the love of God were in fact unconditional, that anything other than the love of God is ego, our choices to be courageous in the face of fear and judgment would be easier. This is my experience at least, that when I want to hide and become confronted, I realize the shame and can then decide to let it go. All I need is to remember the love of God is unconditional and that it was that in a flash, I chose fear and lied only to be presented with the shame and guilt as a consequence.

The Course in Miracles sources forgiveness as the salvation through which we render freedom and that if it were not for the guilt and fear the ego would not thrive to create the divisions we would have ourselves see or experience within ourselves. So perhaps it is that in lying, we mask shame, guilt and fear, only to create more of it, and that only until it is confronted within and acknowledged, do we have this opportunity to forgive ourselves and let go.

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